Kelly Gilderson
AuthorWhat the bloody hell would we want with a guy with a marketing background? Actually, Kelly Gilderson is more than “just” a marketer. We admired his work wrangling enterprise security solutions in a variety of environments and really hit it off over a couple of pints.
Furthermore, it’s not often you find in the same body the kind of creative right-brain thinking it takes to publicize a company properly AND be able to shift into left-brain mode at the drop of a hat, sifting code and enjoying it.
That’s our Kelly and we’re glad to have him on the side of the good guys here at Privacy Australia.
Privacy Australia is committed to providing clear accurate, researched, and transparent information. All of our content writers and journalists follow a strict editorial process.
Kelly Gilderson’s Latest Reviews
If you have a story you’d like to share with me, please contact me. All opinions are my own. I have no financial interests in any of the companies covered.
Kelly Gilderson’s Edited Articles
If you have a story you’d like to share with me, please contact me. All opinions are my own. I have no financial interests in any of the companies covered.