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ProtonVPN vs NordVPN Australia: The Ultimate Showdown for Online Privacy and Security

By Will Ellis
Last Updated on June 28, 2024

In today’s digital landscape, everyone, including individuals and businesses, should be using a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN is essential for protecting personal and sensitive data, as well as shielding online activity from the risk of malware and other threats. ProtonVPN and NordVPN Australia are considered VPN giants. Each service offers a robust lineup of features that keep you and your digital footprint safe.

Those looking for a safe, secure VPN solution should do a thorough comparison of NordVPN vs ProtonVPN Australia to determine which is the best for their needs. There are a lot of different components to consider, which is why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide that compares the two of them head-on in every category that matters.

When comparing ProtonVPN vs NordVPN Australia, our focus was on the most critical aspects, including security, speed, server networks, streaming capabilities, user experience, price, and customer support. With this information, you have all the intel you need to make a choice that aligns with your online privacy and data protection needs. 

Let’s roll up our sleeves and see how they rate in the ultimate showdown of the top VPN services in Australia.


  • When comparing the leading VPN providers in Australia, it’s ProtonVPN vs NordVPN that get invited to the table. 
  • Both VPN providers are known for their robust security features, advanced technologies, and strong commitments to protecting online privacy. 
  • Both ProtonVPN and NordVPN are based in privacy-friendly locations. Proton is Switzerland-based, and NordVPN is headquartered in Panama. 
  • NordVPN stands out for its faster speed, extensive server network, and features like dark web monitoring and threat protection to keep users safe online. 
  • ProtonVPN is the more affordable option, and they’re better suited for Linux users due to the dedicated Linux app. 

The two VPN giants are in tight competition when it comes to running independent audits, offering strict no-log policies, and offering strong encryption protocols.
Choosing NordVPN vs ProtonVPN all comes down to preferences, individual needs and priorities.

Comparing Options: ProtonVPN vs NordVPN Australia

Criteria Breakdown

When we set out to compare NordVPN vs ProtonVPN Australia, we asked ourselves what matters most to consumers. These are VPN services, so of course, security and privacy are top priorities. However, both provide services to a broad range of customers, from individuals with minimal technical knowledge to large companies that are tasked with securing large amounts of data. 

This spectrum represents the diverse range of needs and preferences of VPN subscribers. At Privacy Australia, our mission is to help Australians understand and defend their digital sovereignty through independent research and expert guidance. To ensure our comparison covers every need, we’ve focused on seven critical components. This includes speed, security and privacy, streaming and torrenting, server network, user experience, pricing, and customer service. 

Here’s a breakdown of our criteria and how each is evaluated. 

Speed: In our modern, digital world, we’ve become a click-and-demand society. Nobody wants to wait for pages to load, and slow speed when streaming or gaming is an even worse offence. With today’s technology, there’s no excuse for sluggish internet speeds. 

For a VPN, fast speed is non-negotiable, especially for data-intensive activities. In our comparison, we evaluate the speed and performance of NordVPN and ProtonVPN. We’ve measured speed across various server locations to provide the most comprehensive snapshot of how each performs. 

Security and Privacy: This, in a nutshell, is the entire reason individuals, families, and businesses choose a VPN. Without one, online privacy and security are constantly at risk. To determine how NordVPN and ProtonVPN compare, we’ll look at encryption protocols and whether they offer non-log policies and additional advanced security features. 

Streaming and Torrenting: In addition to security and privacy, many people turn to VPNs to access geo-restricted content that otherwise isn’t accessible. Fast speed combined with access to geo-restricted content makes VPNs an important tool for anyone who frequently streams content.

Peer-to-peer file sharing can also be enhanced with the right VPN. We’ll compare how ProtonVPN and NordVPN measure up to access geo-restricted content and offer protection for safe torrenting activities. 

Server Network and Locations: This is a telltale indicator of how accessible a VPN will be when travelling through different regions or coming up against busy servers. You’ll learn about the number of servers ProtonVPN and NordVPN offer in their networks, including the range of their locations. 

User Experience and Compatibility: A great VPN needs to be easy to set up, simple to use, and offer a user-friendly interface, otherwise it’s going to fall short in almost every other category. For a VPN to be effective, it needs to be usable. 

In this comparison, you’ll learn about the ease of setup and use, as well as their compatibility with a range of operating systems and devices. 

Pricing and Value: When two VPN service providers are close in every category, it’s pricing and value that can be the deciding factor. Details like subscription options and pricing plans are key factors for potential VPN subscribers. 

Customer Support: Even with the best VPN, issues will still arise and a responsive customer support team will make all the difference in the customer experience. We’ll look at responsiveness, knowledge, and the options for contacting customer support departments. 

Our goal is to thoroughly evaluate the strong points and weaknesses of NordVPN and ProtonVPN Australia. Even with all this knowledge, you might be unsure if either is the best fit for your needs. For more information, our research page provides in-depth analysis and comparisons of various VPN providers, including their speed, security, and streaming capabilities.


What is ProtonVPN Best Known For?

As a product of Proton Technologies, ProtonVPN Australia is a pivotal player in the VPN space. When looking at ProtonVPN’s roots, we’re delivered to a group of scientists who previously worked at CERN. In 2014, which also marked the 25th anniversary of the web, ProtonVPN was created. However, it wasn’t designed to be your run-of-the-mill VPN service. 

The original intent behind ProtonVPN was to offer enhanced safety and privacy to journalists and activists who were using ProtonMail – a client-side encrypted email service. ProtonVPN aims to accomplish this with a secure core architecture.  

Secure core architecture creates a more secure online experience by routing traffic through multiple servers, which are located in countries like Switzerland, Sweden, and Iceland, which are known for their privacy-friendly laws and policies. With this approach, data remains protected in the event that one of the servers becomes compromised. 

Another key feature that allows ProtonVPN Australia to stand out is its user-friendly apps, along with compatibility across multiple platforms. This includes a dedicated Linux graphical user interface (GUI). Additionally, ProtonVPN offers open-source transparency to all of its subscribers. 

Additionally, ProtonVPN is highly regarded for its user-friendly apps and compatibility across various platforms, including a dedicated graphical user interface (GUI) for Linux users. This makes it an attractive choice for individuals and businesses seeking a seamless and secure online experience across multiple devices.

When it comes to ProtonVPN vs NordVPN, ProtonVPN provides open source transparency.


At its core, ProtonVPN Australia is a virtual private network that places privacy and security as their absolute highest priority. In an era where VPN providers are offering a long list of bells and whistles, leaving the actual security aspect to suffer, ProtonVPN doesn’t pull any punches in its focus on user privacy. 

Part of what allows ProtonVPN to achieve its high level of security and privacy is its secure core architecture. Through its secure core architecture, ProtonVPN routes traffic through multiple servers, all located in countries with prioritised privacy-friendly laws. For ProtonVPN users, this offers an extra layer of security and peace of mind. 

The high focus on security doesn’t mean that ProtonVPN doesn’t follow through in other areas, including user experience. They offer multiple apps, all designed for an intuitive user experience, and they’re compatible with multiple platforms. ProtonVPN is compatible with Windows, iOS, Android, macOS, and Linux. 

For those who place a priority on transparency, Proton VPN doesn’t disappoint. As a company, they’re committed to transparency and open-source development. This allows their community to verify their security practices and reinforces their commitment to transparency and accountability. 

Currently, they have servers that are located around the world in 90 countries, offering safety and protection on a global scale. 


When looking at ProtonVPN, you’ll see that they offer a comprehensive set of features that are not only designed to enhance security and offer a private online experience but also offer a seamless, smooth digital experience. 

Here are a few of the primary features that place ProtonVPN among the top VPN providers in Australia. 

Secure Core Architecture: When using Proton for your VPN, your data is protected behind two layers of encryption. The company has servers located in privacy-friendly countries, including Switzerland, Sweden, and Iceland. They route their user traffic through not just one server in these countries, but multiple servers. 

What is the benefit of secure core architecture? It essentially serves as a security backup. If one of the servers is compromised, your data remains protected. 

Strict No-Log Policy: This has become a common feature among the top VPN providers in Australia. When a VPN offers a strict no-log policy, it means that they do not store any of your online activity or data. This is an essential feature to protect your data from being shared with third parties. 

Advanced Encryption Features: A standout feature of ProtonVPN is its industry-leading advanced encryption features. They use both AES-256 and ChaCha20, which are exceptional at protecting user data. According to ProtonVPN, it would take billions of years of advanced computers to develop an attack that could penetrate AES-256. That’s pretty impressive. 

Kill Switch: The kill switch ensures ProtonVPN users are always safe, but automatically blocks and terminates traffic from the device in use if the connection drops. This is just one extra level of protection offered to prevent exposure of real IP addresses and sensitive data. 

Split Tunnelling: Freedom and flexibility are always appreciated with a VPN. Split tunnelling allows you to choose which connections you want to run through the VPN while allowing you to exclude others. 

TOR Over VPN: Proton subscribers have access to the network’s dedicated access servers to the TOR network. This is an ideal feature for users who are interested not only in privacy and security but also in the level of anonymity that TOR provides. 

Netshield: NetShield is ProtonVPN’s ad and malware blocker. This feature enables users to avoid pesky ads and immediately notifies them of online threats. With NetShield, you’re able to monitor ad activity and set your own level of protection. 


  • VPN is built with an unwavering commitment to its user’s privacy and security, regardless of where they are in the world. 
  • Uses secure core technology, doubling down on safety and privacy by routing traffic through multiple servers. 
  • ProtonVPN has a strong commitment to transparency and open-source development. This is something they’ve followed through on since its inception. 
  • Compatibility across multiple platforms and devices. 
  • Offers a range of user-friendly apps.
  • Limited use “Proton Free” plan is available at no cost.


  • Compared to other VPN providers in Australia, ProtonVPN offers a smaller global server network. 
  • Speed and inconsistencies in connection can become an issue in certain locations or regions.
  • Split tunnelling is available, but is currently only supported on Windows and Android. 
  • While a free plan is available, the Proton Unlimited plan is priced slightly higher than some competitors. 
  • The free tier has significant limitations. For example, it can only be used on one device and only includes 245 servers in 6 countries. 

Criteria Evaluation

Here is how we rate ProtonVPN in each area, using a scale of 1 to 5.

Speed: 3./5

When it comes to speed, we have to give ProtonVPN a mediocre score. In many locations, their speed is on par with their competitors, but throughout its entire network, there are more areas of sluggish performance compared to other VPN providers. 

Security and Privacy: 5/5

This is where Proton knocks it out of the park. Features like secure core technology, a strict no-log policy, and TOR over VPN are standouts that elevate this VPN above others. 

Streaming and Torrenting: 4./5

This is generally a good area for Proton, although things can get a little sluggish during times when speed and performance are compromised. 

Server Network and Locations: 3/5

Compared to other top VPNs in Australia, this is an area that could be improved. This is especially true for the free tier plan. Now, nobody is really complaining about a free VPN, but the limited number of servers and their locations make this a very limited-use free option. 

User Experience and Compatibility: 4/5

User experience with ProtonVPN is generally good. Installation and usage are intuitive and the apps are overall user-friendly. Most features are compatible with all types of devices and with multiple platforms. There are some limitations with split tunnelling. 

Pricing and Value: 3/5

The free tier from Proton is an appreciated option, even with its limited features. It’s not an option for everyone, but for those who can use it, it’s definitely a plus. When it comes to pricing for their regular plans, Proton is priced slightly higher than some competitors. 

Customer Support: 3/5

Customer service doesn’t seem to be ProtonVPN’s strong point. Slow responsiveness is a commonly named issue, but there are also plenty of others who have had positive customer service experiences with this company. 

ProtonVPN Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

When ProtonVPN entered the market a decade ago, it was on the cutting edge of VPN technology. All these years later, Proton has earned a strong reputation, especially within the privacy community. 

Throughout this time, there have been plenty of community and expert reviews who have shared their opinions and experiences. Here are a few that we found to be especially relevant today. 

I can say that ProtonVPN is better than other VPNs, it is fast, connects up to 10 devices, a no-log policy that is very secure, and unblocks Netflix and Hulu. I don’t need Support very much, because I can do everything by myself and on Google.” – User review on VPN Mentor

I’ve enjoyed ProtonMail and ProtonVPN (free versions) for a while now. I recently upgraded my ProtonVPN to the Plus plan and am excited with the servers and features like Secure Core.

ProtonVPN serves my threat model perfectly. Proton is a real-world company; there’s no “security through obscurity” when it comes to Proton: Proton is transparent, and I trust Proton.

I use a Windows laptop and an iPhone. My home connection is only 100Mbs, so ProtonVPN is handling all my home online web activity perfectly. As for outside the home, there’s plenty of fast 5G in my area, so no trouble with ProtonVPN speeds on the iPhone 13 ProMax. (I don’t game or stream movies, but I do make extensive use of video calling services.)” — User comment on Restore Privacy

I would love to give Proton VPN five stars but unfortunately speeds on the free servers can be very mixed. In addition, I am constantly asked to complete captchas when using the VPN and I have had times when I’ve been refused entry to YouTube despite completing a Captcha. I cannot speak for the paid servers as I have never tried them. Unfortunately due to the reasons above I no longer use Proton VPN.” – User review on Trustpilot


ProtonVPN offers a range of pricing plans that are designed to appeal to the different needs and budgets of Proton users. 

For starters, Proton offers a free tier. This provides access to Proton servers, but these servers are only available in a handful of countries, including the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Japan, and the United States. 

ProtonVPN offers two paid plans. This includes Proton VPN Plus and Photon Unlimited. Each plan offers three pricing options. 

Proton Plus is currently priced starting at $4.99 per month with a one-year subscription. Move up to the two-year plan for a moderately larger savings at $4.49 per month. If you choose to pay month-to-month, expect to pay about $9.99 per month. 

With Proton VPN Plus, you get features like the ability to connect up to ten devices, access to more than 4,500 servers in 90 countries, split tunnelling, high-speed streaming, VPN accelerator, Ad-blocker, and FastP2P/BitTorrent downloads, among others. 

Proton Unlimited is priced slightly higher at $7.99 per month for two years, $9.99 per month for one year, and $12.99 when paid month to month. This includes access to all of Proton’s premium services, including VPN, and ProtonMail. Proton Calendar, Proton Drive, Proton Pass.

Where to Find ProtonVPN

Those interested in purchasing a subscription to ProtonVPN can do so by visiting the official website at You’ll find complete detailed information about the plans and pricing, along with directions on how to download them. 


What is NordVPN Best Known For?

NordVPN is one of the most well-known VPN providers in Australia. NordVPN has a solid reputation for its robust security features, as well as for being one of the largest networks offering the fastest speeds in the VPN space. Based in Panama, which is known for being privacy-friendly, NordVPN is a top-tier provider of security and privacy in the digital world. 

The feature that sets NordVPN apart is its proprietary NordLynx protocol. It’s built around the WireGuard protocol, allowing users to connect at lightning-fast speeds while maintaining the highest level of security. 

When comparing all of the VPNs on the market, NordVPN also stands out for its speed and security with its streaming and torrenting capabilities. Dedicated servers are optimised just for streaming and torrenting, which translates to a fast, seamless experience, along with access to geo-restricted content. 

This is also one of the larger networks of servers in the VPN industry. Currently, the network consists of more than 6,400 servers spanned out over 111 countries.

In terms of NordVPN vs ProtonVPN, NordVPN has notoriety in Australia


NordVPN Australia is considered a premium virtual private network service. Founded in 2012, this Panama-based VPN offers robust privacy, security, and additional features that place it high on many lists. NordVPN serves a wide range of users, from individuals and families to small and large businesses. 

NordVPN is known for its proprietary NordLynx protocol, using Wiregaurd. This is what helps to power the VPN’s generally fast speed without compromising safety and security. We also can’t forget to mention that NordVPN’s advanced encryption technology also includes the AES-256-GCM cipher, for the highest level of data confidentiality. 

Even with these types of robust features, a VPN must be usable and accessible to the person using it. NordVPN’s interface is built with a user-friendly design that requires only a relatively small learning curve. To make the experience even more seamless and intuitive, this VPN offers broad compatibility with platforms including Windows, iOS, Android, MacOS, and Linus. 

Like ProtonVPN, Nord VPN is committed to transparency. They have a strict no-log policy and conduct regular third-party audits. 

Last but not least, is the sizable network. 6,400+ servers in 111 countries translate to access anywhere around the world, including access to geo-blocked content, and plenty of speed for streaming, gaming, and torrenting. 


So, what sets NordVPN apart from other VPNs on the market, including Proton? Here’s a list of its key features. 

NordLynx Protocol: NordVPN is designed with its proprietary NordLynx protocol. This is an implementation of the WireGuard protocol that provides users with faster connection speeds. NordLynx outshines other protocols, including OpenVPN in terms of speed and performance. 

Extensive Server Network: There are currently more than 6,400 servicers in the NordVPN network, covering a significant portion of the globe with a presence in 111 countries. This is an incredibly vast infrastructure that enables secure, reliable connections and access to geo-restricted content from nearly anywhere in the world. 

Speciality Servers: Within the NordVPN network is a range of specialised servers. These included servers that are dedicated to P2P torrenting, bypassing censorship and geo-restrictions, and bypassing VPN blocks. Additionally, there are double VPN servers, offering an extra layer of encryption for additional levels of security and privacy

Split Tunnelling: This feature enables users to determine which applications or online activities are routed through the VPN, and which ones are not. Split tunnelling has become an important feature in VPNs, as it provides a higher level of customization, control, and flexibility while online. 

Threat Protection: Every good VPN should offer threat protection. With NordVPN, this includes ads and malware blockers, but it also scans for data breaches, sending alerts in the event that credentials or other types of sensitive data have been compromised. 

Dark Web Monitor: NordVPN goes deeper to protect its users’ privacy, but continuously scans the dark web with its dark web monitor. All you need to do is turn this feature on for instant 24/7 monitoring for signs of leaked credentials. 

Meshnet: An additional service that NordVPN offers is Meshnet. This allows anyone who downloads Meshnet the capabilities of creating their own private mesh network with the ultimate peace of mind when it comes to privacy and security. Meshnet makes it easier to share files, access all of your devices remotely, enhance gaming capabilities, and work more collaboratively on projects. 


  • NordVPN offers some of the most robust security features in the VPN industry, including advanced encryption technology. 
  • Higher levels of speed and security are delivered through its proprietary NordLynx protocol.
  • Extensive server network includes more than 6,400 servers in 111 countries for expansive global coverage, reliable connections, and access to geo-restricted content. 
  • NordVPN has a strong reputation for user satisfaction for its fast, seamless, streaming and torrenting capabilities
  • User experience is important to NordVPN, which is why they offer a full range of user-friendly apps that have broad compatibility across multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux. 
  • This VPN offers a number of key advanced features, including advanced threat protection, dark web monitoring, and split tunnelling


  • While NordVPN Australia is one of the most popular VPN providers in Australia, this can also be a drawback. Due to the large user base, there’s a continual potential for server overcrowding.
  • Their pricing structure is slightly higher than the base prices for comparable VPNs. 
  • NordVPN currently doesn’t have a dedicated Linux GUI app. It’s currently a command line interface only and lacks a graphical user interface at this time. 
  • Users are currently limited to the simultaneous connection of ten devices. 
  • NordVPN doesn’t offer some advanced features that we see with some of its competitors, such as port forwarding. 

Criteria Evaluation

After a thorough review of NordVPN Australia, how do we rate them in each criteria category? Here’s our assessment for each category, using a scale of 1 to 5. 

Speed: 5/5

Consistently high speed is something that NordVPN usually excels at. We consider this one of its overall strong points. However, as with any VPN, there will be instances where location and server crowding may affect speed and connection.

Security and Privacy: 5/5

This category is what places NordVPN Australia at the top of many lists. Their commitment to security and privacy is top-notch, with features like double VPN, secure encryption, and dark web monitoring. 

Streaming and Torrenting: 5/5

For those looking for exceptional streaming and torrenting capabilities, NordVPN Australia is often the first choice. Fast, no-lag streaming and torrenting, along with access to geo-restricted content, earn this VPN 5 out of 5 stars. 

Server Network and Locations: 5/5

NordVPN offers one of the most extensive global networks. With more than 6,400 servers and coverage in 111 countries, users can travel to most locations around the globe without worrying about their VPN coverage. 

User Experience and Compatibility: 4/5

NordVPN meets standards in terms of user experience and compatibility. While the interface is designed to be user-friendly, VPN novices might experience a bit of a learning curve. 

Pricing and Value: 4/5

NordVPN is not the absolute best value in the VPN industry, but they are far from the worst. From our experience, we see their pricing structure as average with one-year or two-year plans, but leaning more toward the expensive side with its monthly plans. 

Customer Support: 5/5

Customer support is an area where many VPN providers have room for improvement. In other words, the bar isn’t set incredibly high in this area. Still, NordVPN customer support often exceeds expectations. Multiple methods of contact, responsiveness, and quick resolution of issues are where this service excels. 

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

With a long history in the VPN industry, NordVPN has received many customer and expert reviews detailing the pros and cons of each user’s personal experience. Here are a few examples. 

“I bought Nord mainly for travelling (don’t trust that public WiFi) and accessing Netflix from Asia and Europe. I travel a lot. So far, Nord has been flawless in these use cases. It consistently works for US Netflix, with great speeds and reliability. I also like the Threat Protection features. I’ve used other VPNs (Proton and Mullvad) and speeds were sub-par.” – User review on Restore Privacy

NordVPN is an appealing VPN provider with top-of-the-range performance, loads of features, and a reassuring no-logging audit. It’s not the cheapest VPN I’ve come across and I have a few small issues with the app UI, but the company has introduced a number of welcome improvements recently.

Overall, NordVPN is a polished and professional service that will deliver good results for most users.” – Expert review from Tech Radar

Using NordVPN has been a bit of a mixed bag for me. On the one hand, it’s like wearing a comfy, incognito cloak online. My browsing feels secure, and I can access geo-restricted content like a sneaky treasure hunter. Plus, the interface is as user-friendly as a talking parrot, making it easy to navigate…

…While NordVPN boasts a shiny suit of armor, it’s not invincible. Sometimes, your internet connection might slow down to a snail’s pace, making you yearn for the days of dial-up. Additionally, some streaming services might see through your disguise, leaving you feeling like a penguin at a flamingo pool party. And lastly, using a VPN might be illegal in certain lands, so always check the rules before taking the plunge!” – User review on GetApp.


NordVPN offers three subscription tiers – A Basic Plan, a Plus Plan, and an Ultimate Plan. These plans are designed to cater to different user needs while keeping affordability and budget in mind. Within each of the plans, there is an option for a monthly subscription, one-year plan, or two-year plan. All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee. 

The Basic Plan includes, well, basic features. This provides access to the secure NordVPN network and coverage for up to ten devices under one account. Prices range from $3.99 per month for the two-year plan, and $4.99 per month for the one-year plan, to $12.99 per month if signed up for the monthly subscription. 

The Plus Plan includes features covered in the Basic Plan, along with malware protection, a tracker and ad blocker, a cross-platform password manager, and a data breach scanner. Pricing for the Plus Plan is $4.99 per month, $5.99 per month, or $13.99 per month, depending on the plan length you choose. 

The Ultimate Plan includes all NordVPN features, along with identity theft recovery and cyber extortion protection. Prices for the Ultimate Plan are $6.99, $7.99, or $15.99 per month based on the length of the subscription. 

Where to Find NordVPN

All plans for NordVPN are available for purchase and download from the official website: Here you’ll find all the information you need about subscription features, downloads, troubleshooting, and FAQs. 

Alternative Options

ProtonVPN and NordVPN Australia are two of the most popular VPN service providers, but this doesn’t mean that these services fit everyone’s needs and budgets. With this in mind, there are a few alternatives we recommend. 


ExpressVPN is ranked high as a competitor for both NordVPN and ProtonVPN. Its server network is larger than Proton, and comparable to Nord, with servers in 105 countries. ExpressVPN is known for its lightning-fast speed and broad-range compatibility

The downside is that users can only connect up to eight devices simultaneously, and there is just one plan, rather than tiered options with different features. 


Surfshark offers robust security features, including the use of protocols such as WireGuard, IKEv2, and OpenVPN. Surfshark offers all of the essential features, including split tunnelling, kill switch, and more. A standout feature of Surfshark is that it allows unlimited simultaneous connections

Private Internet Access (PIA)

Private Internet Access (PIA) is one of the better VPN options available for those who are looking for the most affordable but secure option. PIA’s network is a decent size, with servers in 90+ countries, and they offer a good range of standard features, plus several premium add-ons. For those who are able to commit to a two-year subscription, PIA has affordable pricing of only $1.98 per month. 

If you’re interested in learning more about additional alternative VPN options for Australian users, we encourage you to check out our in-depth review of the top VPNs rated by performance in 2024.

Additionally, for users interested in using a VPN with Kodi, our guide to the best VPNs for Kodi provides valuable insights and recommendations.


Is ProtonVPN a good VPN?

Absolutely, ProtonVPN is a top-level VPN service provider in Australia. They place a high priority on user privacy and security, with robust encryption, secure core architecture, and a strict no-log policy

ProtonVPN is also based in Switzerland, which is a very privacy-friendly jurisdiction. We also appreciate Proton’s commitment to transparency, including its open-source apps

Is NordVPN trustworthy?

NordVPN is widely regarded as trustworthy and reliable in the VPN space. For starters, its headquarters are located in Panama, which is a privacy-friendly jurisdiction. However, in addition to this, NordVPN goes through multiple independent audits to ensure privacy and security are top-level. NordVPN is built with robust security features, including advanced encryption protocols and a strict no-log policy

NordVPN is also one of the most proactive VPN providers by regularly updating and continually searching for security vulnerabilities. 

Is ProtonVPN better than NordVPN?

This is a question that doesn’t have a simple yes or no answer. Both ProtonVPN and NordVPN offer features and advantages, along with some areas that users might find less desirable. It really all comes down to your individual needs. 

For example, both offer robust security features, including strict no-log policies. At the end of the day, they’re both top choices of VPNs. 

However, NordVPN typically offers faster speeds, greater streaming and torrenting capabilities, and advanced features like dark web monitoring

In comparison, ProtonVPN is more affordable and accessible with a free-tier offering. Plus, Proton offers a dedicated Linux app — something that NordVPN falls short on. 

Are VPNs legal in the US?

Yes, VPNs are legal in the United States for lawful activities. This doesn’t mean that using a VPN protects users from the consequences of illegal activities. Activities such as copyright infringement or accessing legally restricted content are still illegal in the US, regardless if you’re using a VPN or not. 

It’s always important to check the laws of where you live or are planning on visiting to determine if VPNs are legal in that location.

Can I use a free VPN instead of ProtonVPN or NordVPN Australia?

Technically yes, you can use free VPNs. Obviously, the zero-cost option is appealing to many, especially those on a budget. However, free usually comes with other costs. In general, free VPNs aren’t the best fit for online privacy and security. 

For example, they’re commonly known for logging and selling user data and pose a high risk of malware from injected ads. 

Paid VPN services like ProtonVPN and NordVPN offer advanced features, including robust encryption and no-log policies, to protect their users. If you’re concerned that a VPN isn’t worth the cost, most offer money-back guarantees with cancellation within a certain time frame. 

Final Thoughts

Today, more than ever, it’s important to prioritise privacy and security online. Choosing the best VPN service for your needs is the number one thing you can do to protect yourself in the digital landscape. Here, we’ve compared ProtonVPN vs NordVPN Australia, and have noted that they both have robust security features that put them at the top of any list. 

In this guide, we looked at key criteria, including speed, security, streaming capabilities, server networks, user experience, pricing, and customer support. Each service has areas where it shines and others where there’s still room for improvement. 

There’s no question that both VPN giants excel at privacy and security. NordVPN does stand out for certain features, including its expansive network, speed, streaming and torrenting, and a number of advanced features. NordVPN offers threat protection and its dark web monitor for extra peace of mind. 

Looking at ProtonVPN, they shine when it comes to open-source transparency, and they offer a dedicated Linux app. Affordability is another plus for Proton, even offering a free tier. While the free tier is limited, it is a much safer option than other free VPNs that often pose a threat to security.

The choice is yours, but remember that both NordVPN and ProtonVPN Australia are top-tier, reputable, and reliable VPN providers. Your privacy and security are protected with both VPN providers. 

Making informed decisions is important. Privacy Australia uses an impartial approach, independent research, and a data-driven perspective in providing our in-depth analysis and expert guidance on online privacy and security

Our goal is to empower Australians to become more informed and empowered to defend their digital sovereignty. We want to encourage you to further explore our website and take full advantage of the many resources we offer. 

In the end, the choice between NordVPN and ProtonVPN comes down to personal preference, security needs, and individual priorities. No single solution works for everyone, but keep in mind that privacy and security should always be the number one priority when deciding which VPN to choose. 

Stay safe, stay secure, and happy browsing!

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