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Top 10 Best ASX Shares to Buy in Australia for 2024

By Will Ellis
Last Updated on September 4, 2024

The stock market is complex, to say the least. Finding the best shares to buy is something that can take hours of research and a continual eye out for the next big thing. Instead of doing all the legwork yourself, why not turn to this list instead? Here, the work has been done for you with a list of the top 10 ASX shares to buy now. 

Let’s take a look at the best shares in Australia


Don’t have time to read the whole thing? We know it’s long, so here’s a brief synopsis of the best shares to buy in Australia.  

  • TPG Telecom Ltd (TPG) has the strongest market presence in its sector, along with competitive pricing. 
  • SiteMinder Ltd (SDR) has a global reach with its cloud-based hospitality software. SDR has reliable profitability and growth potential. 
  • The Endeavour Group Ltd (EDV) has invested in strategic acquisitions and partnerships, leading to a robust market position. 
  • Woodside Energy (WDS) is an LNG leader and has broad global reach. However, market volatility can be a concern. 
  • AUB Group Ltd (AUB) is the leading insurance brokerage group in Australia. They are well-reputed as an ASX share and offer diversified revenue streams. 
  • Nanosonics Ltd (NAN) is one of the global leaders in infection control. A strong patent portfolio protects their revenue stream and halts competitors. 
  • As a leading rail freight operator in Australia, Aurizon Holding Ltd (AZJ) plays a pivotal role in the country’s infrastructure. As an ASX share it offers reliable profitability. 
  • Lendlease Group (LLC) is based primarily in Australian infrastructure but has expanded its reach to a global scale as well. 
  • Audinate Group Ltd (AD8) dominates the market with its proprietary Dante technology. 
  • The APA Group (APA) is Australia’s top gas infrastructure company. Long-term contracts and barriers to market entry limit competition. 

Comparison Table

Criteria Breakdown Summary

In deciding on the top ASX shares to buy in 2024, we used a set of five criteria to compare them head to head. Each of these top Australian stocks is measured on valuation, market position, growth potential, financial health, and economic moat. 

Valuation: We’ve assessed the current and potential future worth of each ASX share. 

Market Position: The shares on this list have strong market positions, often dominating their sectors. 

Growth Potential: A measurement of each company to experience growth at a rate that exceeds current market standards.

Financial Health: This is a measurement of a company’s profitability, revenue streams, and debt management capabilities. 

Economic Moat: The best shares to buy in Australia have a strong economic moat. This relates to the company’s competitiveness in its industry. 

TPG Telecom Ltd (TPG)

Best Known for Competitive Pricing

TPG Telecom Ltd is a notable name in Australian telecommunications, especially since its merger with Vodafone Australia several years ago. It is now one of the largest telcos in the Australian market. 

While TPG’s share price has been sluggish since early 2024, there is projected growth value on the horizon. These combined features make TPG one of the best shares in Australia for investing in the competitive pricing category. 

TPG has a strong market presence and is a top choice for purchasing shares with competitive pricing. 

TPG Telecom has some of the best ASX shares in Australia
Image Credit: TPG
Caption: TPG Telecom Ltd  (TPG)  is Australia’s leading telecommunications provider.


  • Extensive Network Coverage: TPG Telecom offers an extensive and reliable network across Australia. With the Vodafone Australia merger, TPG’s coverage is even more robust. 
  • Strong Customer Base: Currently TPG Telecom has millions of subscribers in Australia, with expected future growth potential. 
  • Innovation and Technology: TPG’s ongoing investment in technology, including 5G network expansion solidifies their presence as a telecom leader in Australia. 
  • Diverse Revenue Streams: TPG generates revenue from multiple service streams. These include mobile, broadband, and enterprise services


Strong Market Presence

TPG Telecom has a solidified market presence in Australia. With a strong reputation, customer stability, and brand loyalty, TPG Telecom is a reliable option for investors in Australia. 

Competitive Pricing Strategy

A strength of TPG is its competitive pricing strategy. With a focus on affordability, TPG continues attracting new customers, especially as they move from pricier options to save money. This is a strong indicator of future growth potential. 

Merger with Vodafone Australia

TPG’s merger with Vodafone is one of the features that places them high on our list. With this merger comes a more extensive network and service offerings. With this merger, TPG not only expanded its network but also its future growth potential. 


High Competition

Despite its strong market presence, TPG faces high competition in the Australian telecom market. TPG’s competitors include their strongest rival Telstra. 

Regulatory Challenges

With its Vodafone merger, TPG Telecom has come under scrutiny. Facing regulatory challenges during this growth phase could affect TPG’s service flexibility and its overall profitability. 

Criteria Evaluation

Valuation: 4/5

TPG Telecom’s current share price is fairly stable and valued for its current market position. There are indicators of future growth, yet some assessments state that TPG is currently overvalued. 

Market Position: 4/5

While TPG is facing strong competitors in the telecom market space, they are holding their own with a strong market position. 

Growth Potential: 3/5

The Vodafone merger placed TPG in a position for strong future growth. However, the telecom landscape remains competitive, and regulatory scrutiny might temporarily hamper growth potential. 

Financial Health: 4/5

The latest news has shown TPG’s revenue declining year over year. However, with adequate resources to cover future growth, TPG is considered to be in good financial health. Most importantly, they are seen as being able to overcome market pressures. 

Economic Moat: 3/5

TPG Australia is seen as a moderate economic moat. Factors influencing this include its market presence and pricing, balanced with regulatory scrutiny. 


At the time of this writing, TPG Telecom’s shares have a yearly range of $4.14 – $5.72, with a market cap of 8.52B AUD. 

SiteMinder Ltd (SDR)

Best Known for Cloud-Based Hospitality Solutions

Let’s talk about SiteMinder Ltd (SDR). They’re a leading name in the hospitality industry for providing cloud-based software solutions that are fueled by innovation. With SiteMinder, hotels can more efficiently manage bookings and improve the customer experience. As a notable player in the SaaS sector, SiteMinder stands out to us as one of the best Australia shares for its robust market position and impressive ongoing growth potential. 

SiteMinder is on our list of the best shares in Australia.
Image Credit: SiteMinder
Siteminder is a global leader in hospitality solutions.


Leader in Cloud-Based Hospitality Solutions: On a global scale, SiteMinder is one of the most popular cloud-based hospitality solutions. As a leader, they are continually working toward new innovations in products and services. Their approach is expected to keep them at the top of the market. 

Exceptional Customer Retention: There are fairly high switching costs associated with SiteMinder. The platform is so deeply integrated into hotel operations that switching to a different provider is both costly and prohibitively time-consuming. The challenges of switching, combined with high-quality service offerings add up to exceptional customer retention rates. 

Scalability: SiteMinder’s platform is extremely scalable. They offer solutions that cater to a diverse range of hotels, from small boutique hotels to massive hotel chains. SiteMinder is a hospitality solution hotels can grow with, further contributing to high retention rates. 


Strong Market Position

SiteMinder is a leader in its industry. It has a well-established customer base, combined with high retention and broad appeal to new hospitality customers. These factors combined lead to a strong market position and place SiteMinder as a secure investment. 

High Switching Costs

SiteMinder solutions are deeply ingrained in the daily operations of hotels. Switching out a platform of this level often leads to noticeable hiccups in customer service. With SiteMinder’s robust offerings, there are few reasons hotels risk moving to lesser-known, less reliable hospitality solutions.


High Competition in SaaS

The Saas market is now highly competitive in many industries, including hospitality. SiteMinder has shown it has staying power. However, it’s naive to not consider the impact of competition on SiteMinder’s future growth trajectory. 

Dependency on Hospitality Sector

SiteMinder’s performance is reliant on the hospitality industry, which is prone to economic uncertainty. As a result, SiteMinder’s vulnerabilities are closely linked to economic fluctuations and global events.

Criteria Evaluation

Valuation: 4/5

SiteMinder’s solid market position and potential for future growth are represented in its valuation. There is a minor influence of uncertainty due to competitiveness, but not strong enough to knock SiteMinder’s score in this area. 

Market Position: 5/5

SiteMinder’s market position isn’t moving anytime soon. They are a global leader in SaaS hospitality solutions. Even with emerging competition, they aren’t likely to have their market position challenges. 

Growth Potential: 4/5

SiteMinder gives its customer base a commitment to continuous innovation. They’re not about to let their offerings grow stale, leaving room for competition to wedge into their market share. This makes them an attractive option for emerging hospitality markets. 

Financial Health: 4/5

SiteMinder has strong financial growth. Impressive revenue growth, positive free cash flow, and level of available funds are good indicators that SiteMinder stays on this trajectory. 

Economic Moat: 3/5

SiteMinder performs well in our criteria evaluation, but this is the one area of concern. They benefit from high switching costs and customer retention. However, swift and intense competition in the SaaS sector for hospitality is something to watch for. 


SiteMinder’s year range is $3.83 -$6.08, with a market cap of 1.36B AUD. 

Endeavour Group Ltd (EDV)

Best Known for Leading Liquor Retail

When looking at the best shares to invest in Australia, the Endeavour Group Ltd should be at the top of the list. They are Australia’s premier liquor retailer and operate some of the industry’s leading brands, including Dan Murphy’s and BWS. With notable brand strength and market reach, EDV is an option to look at for ASX stocks in 2024. 

Endeavour Group is one to watch when it comes to the best ASX shares to buy in Australia.
Image Credit: EDV
Endeavour Group Ltd (EDV) is Australia’s premier liquor retailer.


Robust Brand Portfolio: The Endeavour Group owns a number of subsidiaries that span the liquor retail and hospitality sectors. Besides BWS and Dan Murphy’s mentioned above, they also own the Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group. Additional subsidiaries include Langton’s Pinnacle Drinks, and Shorty’s Liquor, among others. 

Market Leadership: Endeavour has the largest market share for liquor retailing in Australia. Their market share percentage overshadows even its closest competitor, Coles. 

Industry Integration: Endeavour has mastered the art of industry integration. Their current business model combines liquor retail and hospitality, generating great cross-selling opportunities. This is the perfect formula for future growth. 

Defensive Stock Characteristics: Investors often choose Endeavour Group because of its defensive nature. It is less susceptible to economic downturns than many other sectors and withstands market fluctuations. 


Dominant Market Position

A strong market position is a shining point for EDV. They are solidified as leaders in the liquor retail industry, and their steady performance results in predictable revenue. This is a good option for a safe, reliable investment. 

Wide Economic Moat

EDV’s Australian market status is such that they’ve managed to create difficult barriers to entry for competitors. 

Strong Brand Recognition

Endeavour has a strong reputation and brand recognition in Australia. This is a characteristic that drives loyalty from customers and further enhances Endeavour’s competitive advantage. 


Regulatory Risks

When considering any share from a company based in the alcohol industry, it’s important to consider regulations. This industry as a whole is subject to some of the strictest regulations. While this isn’t generally an issue for EDV, it’s smart to be aware of the potential. 

Dependency on the Australian Market

The Endeavour Group operates throughout Australia, making it highly dependent on the Australian market. Due to this, EDV is vulnerable to the nation’s economic conditions. 

Criteria Evaluation

Valuation: 4/5

Overall, Endeavour’s current valuation status is fair. Its market position is a definite plus, and it has stable profitability over the long term. However, the slight risk of regulatory changes that could affect profitability needs to be factored in as well. 

Market Position: 5/5

As the leading liquor retailer in Australia, it’s currently next to impossible to knock EDV from its pedestal. Currently, EDV has market dominance. Unless there is an unexpected force that enters the market, its position is unlikely to be challenged. 

Growth Potential: 3/5

At this stage, EDV is already large and has experienced significant growth phases in its lifetime. Growth opportunities do remain, especially in the realm of digital expansion. However, we see the growth as being slow and steady, rather than making significant movements. Reliance on Australian markets also has the potential to limit growth. 

Financial Health: 4/5

For those looking at shares with solid financial health, EDV is a reliable option. The company maintains steady financial health. They show the ability to continually invest in new innovations, partnerships and other growth areas. 

Economic Moat: 5/5

Endeavour Group earns the highest marks in this field. It’s hard to deny factors like EDV brand strength, and its unyielding market dominance. They earn a solid 5 out of 5 in this category. 


Endeavour’s year range is $4.76 – $5.75. Currently, the market cap for EDV is 9.56B AUD. 

Woodside Energy Group Ltd (WDS)

Best Known for LNG Production

This list of top ASX stocks would not be complete without the inclusion of Woodside Energy Group Ltd. Woodside Energy is one of Australia’s largest oil and gas producers. Woodside Energy stands out for its focus on liquefied natural gas (LNG). 

WDS plays a critical role in the energy market, not just in Australia but globally as well. This includes Asia-Pacific, which is a strong consumer of LNG. Woodside Energy’s prominence in Australia’s oil and gas industry makes it a noteworthy pick among ASX stocks. This is only amplified by its global presence.

Woodside Energy is among the best shares in Australia.
Image Credit: Woodside
Woodside Energy Group Ltd (WDS) is Australia’s largest producer of oil, gas, and LNG.


  • Leading LNG Producer: WDS is a notable producer of liquified natural gas. Current projects have the demand for LNG estimated to rise more than 50% in the next fifteen years. 
  • LNG Assets: WDS owns several major LNG assets. These include Pluto LNG and the North West Shelf. 
  • Revenue Stability: WDS has long-term, stable contracts and revenue with major industrial clients, and blue-chip utilities.


Extensive Experience in LNG

With decades of expertise in the LNG sector, WDS has a strong competitive advantage over other producers. As LNG demand increases in coming years, Woodside Energy is already set to keep pace. 

Long-Term Contracts

Woodside Energy Group benefits from a non-volatile revenue stream, thanks to well-established, long-term contracts. For potential investors, this signals a safe bet on financial risk and market volatility. 

Robust Market Position

Woodside Energy’s role in Australian energy production places them in a dominant market position. Its strategic partnerships only help to solidify its position and enhance growth potential. 


High Exposure to Commodity Price Volatility

While WDS itself benefits from stable profitability, it is susceptible to price volatility in the oil and gas sector. This is a consideration for any share in this sector, regardless of other factors, such as market position. 

Environmental Concerns

It’s important to not dismiss the scrutiny oil and gas producers face due to environmental concerns and challenges. This includes regulatory scrutiny, as there is a shift to more greenery energy sources on a global scale. 

Criteria Evaluation

Valuation: 4/5

WDS has stable cash flow and strong assets, providing it with good valuation on the ASX. However, the energy sector can be exposed to market volatility, leading to a small degree of uncertainty. 

Market Position: 5/5

Woodside Energy Group has a great market position. This is in response to its involvement in LNG productions, assets, and strategic global contracts. It’s not expected for WDS to fall from its leading position anytime soon. 

Growth Potential: 3/5

There is significant growth potential for WDS, particularly in LNG. However, its growth may be controlled by the industry’s broader volatility, and growing environmental concerns related to energy production. 

Financial Health: 4/5

Woodside Energy Group demonstrates strong financial health, with reliable cash flow and manageable debt. 

Economic Moat: 4/5

Overall, WDS rates high in this category, with its long-standing credibility and expertise, especially with LNG. It has a solid economic moat. However, the nature of the oil and gas industry may present challenges. 


The current year range for Woodside Energy Group is $24.93 – $38.97. This share has a market cap of 51.63B AUD. 

AUB Group Ltd (AUB)

Best Known for Insurance Brokerage Network

AUB Group Ltd is one of the top shares to invest in Australia. They are a major player in the Australian insurance brokerage industry and also operate in New Zealand. This company is a reliable option for investors in ASX shares, due to it being a leader in the industry and consistent performance over time.


AUB Group made our list of the best shares in Australia.
Image Credit: AUB Group
AUB Group Ltd (AUB) is a top insurance brokerage in Australia and New Zealand.


Extensive Broker Network: The AUB Group operates an expansive insurance broker network. Currently, its network spans over 130 brokers across Australia and New Zealand. 

Investment Growth: AUB’s investments with partner businesses open up opportunities for expansion into new markets. Additionally, this is a feature that signals good potential for long-term growth.  

Geographic Reach: With AUB operating in both Australia and New Zealand, they have a broader geographic reach than geographically confined brokers. 


High Client Retention

The AUB Group has a strong customer retention reputation. In the insurance brokerage industry, this signals consistency and reliability in terms of revenue streams. 

Diversified Revenue Streams

Besides high retention, AUB offers diversified revenue streams as another reason to invest. Multiple and diverse revenue streams reduce financial risk. 

Solid Market Position

With a robust network and market leadership in both Australia and New Zealand, AUB Group holds a steady market position. 


Regulatory Changes

When investing in sectors such as insurance, it’s important to consider how regulatory changes could affect profitability. Keeping a close eye on regulatory changes related to the insurance industry is a good strategy when investing in AUB. 

Dependency on Insurance Market

AUB Group is closely tied to the performance of the overall insurance market. This can be influenced by broad industry trends and related economic conditions. 

Criteria Evaluation

Valuation: 4/5

Currently, AUB’s shares are fairly valued. This is a reflection of its ability to remain stable against the risk of industry influences. 

Market Position: 4/5

AUB has a reputation for strong market position. This can be attributed to factors such as its large network, market dominance, and leadership. 

Growth Potential: 3/5

There is growth potential for AUB. However, it can be viewed as slightly limited due to regulatory issues. 

Financial Health: 4/5

AUB Group is a safe investment choice for financial health. With diversified revenue and a high client retention rate, it’s expected to maintain financial stability. 

Economic Moat: 4/5

Factors that play into AUB’s good economic moat score include a robust network, long-standing client relationships, and a competitive advantage. 


AUB Group’s year range is $25.84 – $34.52. The current market cap is 3.64B AUD. 

Nanosonics Ltd (NAN)

Best Known for Infection Control Solutions

Nanosonics Ltd is an essential player in the Australian healthcare industry. They specialise in infection control solutions, focusing on patient and healthcare safety. Known for its innovative technology, NAN continues to have a strong market presence. All factors combined place NAN as one of the top Australian stocks to watch in the coming year.

Nanosonics is among the best ASX shares in Australia
Image Credit: Nanosonics
Nanosonics Ltd (NAN) is a world leader in infection control.


Industry Leading Technology: Nanosonics has been a pioneer in infection control technology. This has included their Trophon system, which has been responsible for setting higher standards in global healthcare safety. 

Global Market Reach: NAN’s market reach far exceeds that of Australian borders. They have a global presence, including the major healthcare industries of North America and Australia. 

Growing Demand: The world of healthcare is experiencing a growing demand for infection control technologies. The rise of resistant bacteria and global spread of pathogens are examples of factors in this. 


Strong Patent Portfolio

Nanosonics innovative technologies are protected by patents. This reduces the current market for competitors and supports a strong competitive advantage. 

High-Margin Consumables

This is a strong financial health indicator for Nanosonic. Their high-margin consumable provides reliable recurring revenue. 

Solid Market Position

Nanosonics is a leader in key markets and holds a strong market position. With a significant competitive advantage and global presence, NAN is expected to hold its market position. 


Dependency on Hospital Budgets

Nanosonics’ growth and financial health are closely tied to hospital and healthcare budgets. These are known for fluctuations, and there is a level of unpredictability in foreign health markets. 

High Competition

Nanoscience has been able to hold off competition due to patents, market share, and continuing innovation. However, there are other players in the market sector that are striving to meet and beat NAN’s performance. 

Criteria Evaluation

Valuation: 4/5

With a strong patent portfolio and the fact that they derive revenue from consumables, NAN’s valuation is reasonably valued. Still, it’s important to not discount market uncertainties. 

Market Position: 4/5

NAN is a leader in infection control solutions and holds a solid market position. 

Growth Potential: 3/5

NAN is continually focused on innovative technology, which speaks well for new growth. However, evolving competition could hamper growth in the future. 

Financial Health: 4/5

NAN maintains a good level of financial health. This is supported by high-margin products, long-standing contracts, and recurring revenue streams. 

Economic Moat: 4/5

Considering the highly specialised nature of NAN’s offerings, they have what’s considered a strong economic moat. For them to maintain this status, a continued focus on innovation is key. 


Nanosonics year range is $2.59 – $4.76. The current market cap for NAN is 978.68M AUD. 

Aurizon Holdings Ltd (AZJ)

Best Known for Rail Freight Operations

Anyone looking for Australian stock market tips should consider purchasing shares for Aurizon Holdings Ltd. They are Australia’s largest rail freight operator and hold a critical role in the supply chain. AZJ is a major transporter of coal, iron, agricultural, and other products. 

Aurizon Holdings is one to keep an eye on as the best shares in Australia.
Image Credit: Aurizon
Aurizon Holdings Ltd (AZJ) is Australia’s largest rail freight operator.


Commitment to Sustainability: Aurizon is continually working toward reducing its overall carbon footprint and environmental impact. This makes them an attractive option for ESG investors. 

Key Player in Coal Transportation: With Aurizon’s role in coal transportation, there is a continual demand for AZJ’s services. 

Strong Cash Flow: A look at AZJ’s financial records indicates this company has a strong cash flow, with continual opportunities for reinvestment.


Dominant Market Share

Aurizon has a leading position in the Australian rail freight industry. From an investment perspective, this ensures consistent revenue and a competitive advantage. 

Long-Term Contracts

Many of AZJ’s contracts are long-term, spanning multiple years. These contracts are also with major clients, indicating a strong presence in the market. 

Essential Infrastructure

Aurizon is critical to Australia’s infrastructure, giving them a major industry advantage. 


Cyclical Industry

Like many other industries, the rail industry also experiences economic cycles with higher and lower performance. Profitability may also fluctuate based on these cycles. 

Regulatory Oversight

There is significant oversight in the transportation sector. While Aurizon has held strong in the presence of oversight, the potential for it to impact profitability does exist. 

Criteria Evaluation

Valuation: 4/5

With long-term contracts and a continually stable revenue stream, AZJ’s shares are fairly valued. 

Market Position: 4/5

Aurizon holds the dominant market share for its Australia sector. This factors into its strong and stable market position. 

Growth Potential: 3/5

Aurizon’s primary paths to growth are in innovation and sustainability practices. The growth potential is there but might be viewed as limited in certain instances. This is especially true given the industry’s cyclical nature. 

Financial Health: 4/5

Steady cash flow, reliable revenue, and long-term relationships are a few of the factors that contribute to AZJ’s financial health. 

Economic Moat: 4/5

AZJ ranks fairly high in this category. This is attributed to its extensive rail network and limited competition. 


Aurizon’s current year range is $2.25 – $2.65. The current market cap for AZJ is 6.22B AUD. 

Lendlease Group (LLC)

Best Known for Diversified Property Development

Lendlease Group specialises in areas of urban regeneration, investment management, and infrastructure development. They have a global presence but with a strong focus on Australian projects and development. A diversified revenue stream and reliable market position make it one of the top shares to invest in Australia. 

Lendlease Group is an attractive ASX on our list of best shares in Australia.
Image Credit: Lendlease
Lendlease Group (LLC) specialises in Australian infrastructure and urban development.


Leaders in Sustainable Development: Lendlease is a known leader in development that is both sustainable and environmentally responsible. This is an attractive feature for investors, especially those who prioritise ESG. 

Global Presence: Lendlease operates in Australia, North America, Europe, and Asia. They have a strong track record and reputation globally. 

Focus on Urban Regeneration: A primary area of Lendlease’s expertise is its commitment to revitalising urban areas. This is a feature that gives LLC unique investment appeal. 


Strong Australian Focus

While LLC operates on a global scale, they are focused on Australian initiatives. This makes them a strong ASX player. 

Diversified Revenue Streams

LLC’s revenue comes from different streams, including various services and global regions. This expanse of revenue streams reduces risk across different sectors. 

Solid Market Position

Lendlease currently maintains a strong market position, which is supported by numerous large-scale developments and multiple revenue streams. 


High Exposure to Real Estate Market Cycles

The property market is known for being volatile. With Lendlease being tightly tied to the property market, they are vulnerable to market downturns. 

Ongoing Project Risks

Many of Lendlease’s projects are large-scale, physical and financial. With this size of project comes inherent risks. For example, cost overruns and delays that affect profitability. 

Criteria Evaluation

Valuation: 4/5

Lendlease offers a good valuation based on numerous factors. These include its assets, future earnings potential, and current market position. 

Market Position: 4/5

With a global presence and dominance in property development, Lendlease holds a steady market position. 

Growth Potential: 3/5

Lendlease ranks in the middle of the road for future growth potential. Focusing on infrastructure and urbanisation, future growth looks bright. However, market cycles and rising global competition may interfere. 

Financial Health: 4/5

Lendlease has solid cash flow as a good indicator of financial stability. This along with manageable levels of debt indicates strong financial health. 

Economic Moat: 3/5

Compared to some others on this list, Lendlease offers a moderate rather than strong economic moat. Reputation, expertise, innovation, and sustainability are key pluses. However, competition is strong and expected to experience growth in the future. 


Lendlease currently has a year range price of $5.32 – $7.95. The current market cap is $4.58B. 

Audinate Group Ltd (AD8)

Best Known for Digital Audio Networking

Audinate Group Ltd is a notable player in the Australian digital audio networking industry. Most famously, AD8 is recognized for its Dante protocol, which has become an industry standard. For tech-savvy investors, Dante’s innovation and globally strong market make it a smart choice and one of the best shares in Australia. 

Audinate Group is among the best ASX shares in Australia
Image Credit: Audinate
Audinate Group Ltd (AD8) is the pioneer of the industry standard Dante protocol.


Leader in Dante Protocol: Audinate’s proprietary Dante protocol has become the gold standard in the digital audio networking industry. Its wide use by professionals indicates strong performance for Audinate. 

Global Reach: Audinate has offices in Australia and the United States. Its global reach also spans the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. 

Forward Thinking Tech Innovation: Audinate hasn’t stopped with the Dante protocol. They are focused on continual innovation and strive to maintain their lead over the competition.


Dominant Market Share

Audinate has a dominant market share in its sector. With this comes benefits like significant market influence and robust revenue streams, 

Strong Technological Edge

It appears as though Audinate will not fall from the ranks of the top of the industry any time soon. Continual innovation maintains their technological edge. 

Solid Market Position

With the Dante protocol being widely adopted, Audinate has a steady market position in its sector. 


High Competition in Tech

Audinate currently sits at the top of its industry. However, the tech industry is highly competitive which can pose future challenges. 

Dependency on the Audio Industry

Audinate’s offerings are highly industry-specific. This means its revenue and financial health depends on the professional audio market. 

Criteria Evaluation

Valuation: 4/5

Currently, Audinate’s valuation is a reflection of its potential for future growth and where it stands in today’s market. This is a reasonably positioned share, with appeal to long-term investors. 

Market Position: 5/5

The Dante protocol helped propel Audinate to the top of the digital audio networking market. With this level of market dominance, Audinate benefits from a strong competitive advantage. 

Growth Potential: 4/5

Audinate shows good signs of growth potential. They are at the top of the game for digital audio technologies and are invested in ongoing innovations. 

Financial Health: 4/5

Currently, Audinate shows the ability to invest in future innovation and expand its offerings. This is due to a healthy financial profile and a reliable revenue stream. 

Economic Moat: 4/5

As far as the economic moat is concerned, Audinate is solid. This is due in large part to the widespread adoption of its proprietary technology across the globe. 


Audinate’s current year range is $6.50 – $23.51. At this time, the market cap for Audinate is 775.86M AUD. 

APA Group (APA)

Best Known for Gas Infrastructure

The APA Group is the leading gas infrastructure company in Australia. They oversee an expansive network of pipelines and other energy assets across Australia. APA is a critical player in ensuring the country is continually provided with a stable supply of gas. With a strong market position, APA Group is a top choice in gas infrastructure for investors. 

APA Group has a focus on renewable energy and is among the best shares in Australia.
Image Credit: APA
APA Group (APA) is the primary gas infrastructure company in Australia.


Profitable Acquisition Strategy: APA has taken part in strategic acquisitions that both enhance its service offerings and boost profitability. 

Focus on Renewable Energy: APA has invested hundreds of millions into renewable energy projects. This lends well to future growth and investment by those who prioritise sustainability. 

Resilient Revenue Model: This company benefits from a revenue model that has shown to be relatively resistant to typical market influences.


Extensive Infrastructure

The APA Group has extensive infrastructure across Australia. From an investment perspective, this ensures smooth, reliable, and consistent operations. 

Long-Term Contracts

APA Group benefits from multiple long-term contracts, providing predictable and reliable streams of revenue. 

Solid Market Position

APA maintains one of the most dominant market positions in its sector. For those looking to invest in gas infrastructure, APA retains its status as a safe but profitable option. 


Regulatory Risks

APA is subject to industry regulations. With a history of remaining profitable in the face of regulatory changes, this doesn’t appear to be a huge risk. However, regulatory effects on profitability is something to be aware of. 

Exposure to Energy Market Volatility

This industry is prone to market fluctuations, and APA is exposed to them as they occur. This is a factor that can potentially affect profitability. 

Criteria Evaluation

Valuation: 4/5

APA Group has a current valuation that reflects a fair market price. This is a good option for long-term investors seeking an option with lower volatility and more steady returns. 

Market Position: 5/5

As the leading gas infrastructure company in Australia, APA Group holds a dominant market position. With the extent of its network in energy distribution, it’s unlikely to be booted from its position soon. 

Growth Potential: 3/5

For future growth, APA Group should look at expansion into renewable energy. However, its core business is in a mature state, limiting its growth without investment in new areas. 

Financial Health: 4/5

APA group has a strong cash flow, partnered with manageable debt. The outcome is a company that has been able to maintain strong financial health over the long term. 

Economic Moat: 4/5

With significant barriers to entry for competitors and an expansive infrastructure, APA Group’s economic moat is at a good level.


The year range for APA Group is $7.83 – $8.91. Currently, the market cap for APA is 9.70B AUD. 

Top Brokers to Invest in ASX Shares


Pepperstone is an Australian online broker, offering a wide range of trading instruments. Known for competitive pricing, tight spreads, and fast trading speeds, Pepperstone is a great option for trading ASX shares. Learn more by reading our Pepperstone review. 


AvaTrade is a leading online broker with a global presence. AvaTrade offers a social trading platform that is preferred by many who are new to trading. They offer robust security and solid educational resources, making them one of our choices for those just starting with trading. You can learn more by reading our AvaTrade review


What are the best ASX shares to buy in 2024?

The best ASX shares for 2024 feature strong market positions, robust financial health, and future growth potential. A few of the top choices for investment include TPG Telecom, SiteMinder, Nanosonics, AUB Group, and Audinate. The Endeavour Group, Woodside Energy, Lendlease, and Aurizon holdings are additional top picks.

How do I evaluate the best shares to buy in Australia?

Criteria to consider for ASX shares include market position, valuation, and growth potential. Additionally, consider the company’s financial health and economic moat, along with current industry trends.

What are the risks of investing in ASX shares?

There is always a level of risk in investing in ASX shares. Market volatility and industry-specific risks are factors to consider. Therefore, the best investment strategy is a diversified portfolio.

How can I stay updated on the best shares to invest in Australia?

Subscribing to investment newsletters, and joining online communities is a good start. Websites like Privacy Australia are great for providing updates and investment insights. Additionally, if you trade through an online broker, take advantage of the news and analytical tools available to you.

What should I consider before buying Australian shares?

The first priority should be your investment goals. Weigh this with the level of risk you’re able to absorb and the time horizon you’re working with. Based on this, analyse market conditions and industry trends to determine which ASX shares will help accomplish those goals. If uncertain, consulting a financial advisor is always a smart move. 

Final Thoughts

Investing in the right ASX shares can completely turn around an investment portfolio. The shares we’ve listed here combine market position, growth potential, and stable profitability. 

This detailed review of the top ASX shares to buy should serve as the starting point for your own market research. 

Staying up to date on ASX market news, and making informed investment choices is key to a successful portfolio. 

Consider Privacy Australia to be your research partner in navigating the complex landscape of investing in Australia. 

We provide comprehensive reviews and insights on trading, security, and online privacy. Consider checking our guide on password protectors or learn about the best secure browsers. We want to thank you for your time in reading this list of top ASX shares and encourage you to keep in touch. Before investing, we encourage you to also research the best forex trading platforms for building a more diversified portfolio.

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