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Musk’s Axing the social giant team, How the World is Reacting

By Will Ellis
Last Updated on June 4, 2022

Musk first owned 9.2% of the social giant’s company stock. 

Musk sought more control, with the “poison pill” as one of his largest blocks. Musk was reportedly manoeuvring with Morgan Stanley in order to win his bid for the social giant.

This was according to a New York Post, and two of its unnamed sources, Musk was possibly willing to put into the investment as much as $15B  of his own cash to help finance a takeover. 

This included asking Morgan Stanley to aid in raising an additional $10 billion from debt, said the New York Post, with the key ambition to make a takeover offer as soon as possible. The New York Times also said that Morgan Stanley was aiding Musk in making this acquisition through debt rather than using equity to finance for the bid. One ledger with the SEC said that the business bank was an advisory to Elon.

Musk Will Axe Salaries of Team to $0 Now That the Bid Goes Through 

It’s pretty clear that the Twitter board team was resistant to the takeover. Musk said he would get rid of the salaries of the social giant’s team members after his $44B offer for the business was successful.

The billionaire spent time mocking the team before he won with bidding for the social media giant who took a ‘poison pill’ position to protect itself from the second-largest shareholder cash-takeover ever.

Musk even made a tweet saying that team salaries would be cut to $0 if his bid succeeded, which he said meant about $3 million per year saved right from the beginning. This was a reply to one user who attacked the team members for earning between $250,000 and $300,000 annually.

Not stemming his tirade against the business, Musk started a poll to find out his millions of followers wanted the social giant to become a private business at $54 should be the decision of shareholders, rather than the team, which won a 83% outcome of positive answers.

After that, the SpaceX CEO tweeted ‘Love Me Tender’, referring to an Elvis Presley track, after the social giant adopted a scheme to sell shares at a cheaper price to stop any attempt by shareholders to gain ownership of 15 per cent Musk already had a 9.1% claim on the business.

Joe Rogan’s Position

The Joe Rogan Experience has been a podcast for international ears by US comedian Joe Roga, and UFC presenter and commentator, since December 2009, beginning to stream on YouTube hosted by Rogan himself with his friend Redban

A decade later, the Joe Rogan podcast became the highest-revenue podcast around with $30 million in cash streaming.

Which means that the JRE podcast can be a handy marker of how many people in the world think of this takeover. 

To start with, the podcasting giant Joe Rogan offered his advocacy to Musk as the billionaire continues with his takeover move to win over the social giant. Which saw a cultural buzz after the billionaire revealed he already owned over 9% in the social giant, which then was followed by a bid to buy the entire firm for $43B after refusing to take a seat on the social giant’s team of directors, and this was combined with a “poison pill” activity to block his efforts. 

The billionaire CEO’s decision to turn the social giant into a freer speech platform has received praise from many conservatives whereas members of the legacy media have viewed the billionaire’s taking over the tech giant as a threat to “content moderation” which many Elon advocates say is censorship. 

Showing this support, an episode of JRE saw Rogan describing Elon as one of the most “powerful leaders” that Americans look to for direction. 

Rogan said that’s the reason that he and many others are so excited that Elon is trying to buy the company. Comparing Musk to the monarch, Rogan claims people are praising the move and calling him the “great one.”

Meanwhile, Bill Maher has added his advocacy, saying Elon wants to sort out social media’s over-restriction of free speech. Rogan believes Musk is very intelligent and a perfect leader character who seems to have great morals. Rogan describes Elon as a man who could be a movie character, someone who was able to be a super billionaire but not cares, and who was also incredibly smart. Rogan continued on, to say Musk is highly genuine and wants to save humanity. 

The comedian and commentator has had to recently defend and apologise for alleged racist comments a few weeks ago. Rogan was defended himself, notably by UFC fighter Israel Adesanya. His support adds to that of “Real Time” host, Bill Maher, who supported Musk’s takeover of the social giant, saying he is down for it. 

Bill included that he felt the people today were living in an era where the social giant is like the public town square. By stopping someone’s right to speak on the social network, you’re essentially claiming that this user doesn’t have free speech. And Bill also said that the world isn’t still in the 1980s. The era is new and the world we are in is one where social media influences many aspects of life. Social media, Bill says, is near to “living in a space” instead of it being just a publication. Also, Twitter isn’t quite a private business either. So this makes things tricky.

Finally, Bill thinks that this is why Elon wants to change the social giant. However, supporters of legacy media en masse attacked Elon’s latest takeover. One of the biggest critics are the team at The Washington Post, as well as its owner who is also a billionaire, Jeff Bezos.

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